Air Purifier

At the office of Dr. Jonathan Miodownik, we value the health and well-being of all of patients. To help keep you and your loved ones healthy, we have added an air purifier to our office to remove the stuffiness and unclean particles floating in the air. Do not be surprised if you see one of these at your appointment with our friendly dentists.

Why do we use air purifiers?

  • To help keep our patients healthy
  • To circulate the airflow
  • To have your appointment feel more comfortable
  • To make our office stay free of airborne particles
  • To keep away unwelcome odors and insects
  • To enjoy cleaner air while treating your smile
  • To reduce the amount of asthma attacks
  • To keep away allergens and dust floating in the air

There are other benefits of air purifiers we could list, but at the end of day, your health is what matters. We are doing all we can to make sure you are safe and healthy and that you are protected from airborne particles while we care for your smile.

Give us a call today at 248-557-2618 to schedule an appointment and learn more about air purifiers in Southfield, Michigan.

We are excited to meet you and make your time with us count.